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Caley Green

Banners on Caley Green - Village Organisations - Criteria

Caley Green is owned by Suffolk County Council

Nayland with Wissington Parish Council manages banners on Caley Green and the following conditions apply:

1) Permission must be obtained from Parish Council, Risk assessment completed beforehand and sent to the Parish Council together with proof of Insurance.

2) The Banner should be at least 2.0 metres from the A134. Be very securely staked & tied.

3) No more than 2 banners there at any time.

4)To be erected no more than 14 days before the event being advertised.

5)Must be removed no later than 48 hours after the event.

Requests to erect banners on Caley Green should be forwarded to the Parish Council by email with the dates concerned, the Risk Assessment and Insurance details.

Permission should be obtained ahead of the banner being displayed.

Contact the Parish Council with any Banner Request please by emailing: - clerk@naylandwithwissington-pc.gov.uk 

Many thanks Clerk to Council